Thursday, November 22, 2007

My right to privacy!

Damned the Glove and Mail - I knew we should have bought more shares in those loudmouthed bastards. They go and blab about my Family Tree like they know me.

Nobody knows me - nobody knows my pain!

Well, except maybe Charles - he and I shared a talk or two, back in the day.

Now you know why I moved to Bermuda - it wasn't the taxes - it was all you damned fools trying to pry into my business!

Does it look like I have candy? No? Then why are you looking at my eyes?

Hell, go ahead and do your puff pieces, that's fine, even a pointing out the obvious facts can't be avoided some of the time. But for the love of gold, keep our business out of the headlines!

What are my progeny up to? I handed them every single newspaper and they can't manage to keep our weaknesses out of the news?

Good thing we don't have any competitors.

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